MISS COCO 可可小姐 RPB 帕可兄弟少年團 Virtual Idol 虛擬偶像 KANOVA STUDIOS 徐瑋 kevin ping 原創 : 【瑞德帕可Red Paco-首部曲卡諾瓦星球】遙遠的Q銀河系,美麗的卡諾瓦星球發生政變,一場腥風血雨的權力爭霸正展開中…。


【瑞德帕可Red Paco-首部曲卡諾瓦星球】遙遠的Q銀河系,美麗的卡諾瓦星球發生政變,一場腥風血雨的權力爭霸正展開中…。

【瑞德帕可Red Paco-首部曲卡諾瓦星球】 類型: IMAX 3D【徐瑋原創作品】 遙遠的Q銀河系,美麗的卡諾瓦星球發生政變,一場腥風血雨的權力爭霸正展開中…。
這個故事是從西元1813年開始…,一群來自外星的訪客,以地球為基地,少年英雄光復家鄉的傳奇故事。約200年前十九世紀末的某一天夏夜,距離地球約十萬光年遙遠而古老的卡諾瓦星球Kanova派了一批訪客到地球,卡諾瓦星球Kanova的首席總理大臣「尼古拉斯帕可」Nicholas Paco與其家族。 Q銀河係有一個三億年生命的卡諾瓦星球Kanova,該星系的太陽運行了數十億年後逐漸老化,使得卡諾瓦星球的氣候産生巨大的變化,變得異常寒冷,卡諾瓦人賴以維生的光源大不如前,天氣改變帶給人民許多驚慌,因而民怨四起,距今200多年前,卡諾瓦星球總理大臣「尼古拉斯帕可」帶著兩個家庭,駕駛著先進的「天行者一號」飛行船來到地球。 他們沒想到暗黑卡森王卻趁機發動政變奪權,遙遠的Q銀河系,美麗的卡諾瓦星球發生政變,一場腥風血雨權力爭霸正展開中…。
Red Paco - Type: IMAX 3D 【Xu Wei original works】 The distant Q Galaxy, the beautiful Canova planet coup, a reign of terror power is competing in the start .... The story begins with the year 1813 ... a group of visitors from alien, earth-based, juvenile heroes to restore home to the legendary story. About 200 years ago at the end of the nineteenth century, one day summer night, about 100,000 light years away from the Earth and the ancient Canova planet Kanova sent a group of visitors to the earth, Kanova Star Kanova's premier minister "Nicholas Spago Nicholas Paco and his family. Q Galaxy has a life of three hundred million years of Kanova planet Kanova, the galaxy of the sun running billions of years after the gradual aging, making the climate of the Canova planet has made great changes, become unusually cold, Canova Today, more than 200 years ago, Canova Star Prime Minister "Nicholas Spark" with two families, driving the advanced " Skywalker One "flying boat came to Earth. They did not expect the dark card Carson took the opportunity to launch a coup to seize power, distant Q Galaxy, the beautiful Canova planet coup, a reign of blood power hegemony is unfolded ....

作者︰徐瑋kevin ping「Red Paco瑞德帕可」創作起緣

       三年多前我即開使著構思Red Paco故事,當時的想法是拍成好萊塢級動畫電影,中途改變想法,朝真人版?故事編寫。我是個星戰迷也是武俠迷,寫Red Paco足可滿足我天馬行空的想像力。 ? 有票房才有電影工業,華語影片必須要向好萊塢看齊,和世界接軌,以全世界的市場為目標。現在的觀眾看電影首選一定是好萊塢商業大片,再來是好萊塢非主流好看的片型。 ? 大陸及美國是全球兩大最大電影市場,喜劇片,小清新愛情片在大陸有一定的市場,不時創造出5億人民幣以上高票房,以至於大陸目前影業越來越蓬勃,漸漸與世界接軌,資金與技術在未來都不是問題,美商也越來越重視中國市場。 

        好萊塢片商有所謂的超級商業級《品牌系列》,動輒20億以上成本拍攝,全球包底至少可回收100億以上,百發百中,例如,變型金鋼,哈利波特,激情與速度,X戰警系列,蜘蛛人,007,阿凡達, star war星際大戰系列等等,每個公司都陪養了自已百分百賺錢的《金雞母品牌》,每一集都大賣。每年好萊塢琳瑯滿的片子中大多是賠本的,卻能靠百分之五絕對賺錢的商業大片補足虧損創造高盈餘。投資非品牌系列的電影有相當高的風險,好萊塢大明星主演非品牌系的電影亦不見得會賣錢,甚至有可能賠大錢,慘賠的大成本電影不勝枚舉。
      沒錯,現在的觀眾喜歡看好萊塢式過癮的IMAX 3D商業《品牌系列》爽片。這個點子我在三年前即已經想到,開始構思Red Paco品牌星際故事。

       Red Paco瑞德帕可故事架構完整,是一出融合西方科幻、東方武術、星際,卡諾瓦星球少年英雄傳奇故事。第一套系列有五部,我打算像星際大戰一樣慢慢的說故事,劇情可以延伸下去,事實上,尼古拉斯帕可的父親,也就是Red的祖父,他跟暗黑大帝的對決,還有一個前傳的故事。 ? 喬治魯卡斯是我從小的偶像,我亦希望Red Paco瑞德帕可的故事, 可以像星際大戰一樣成為一個經典故事。 Red Paco瑞德帕可的氛圍,需做出如星際大戰、阿凡達、奇異博士、魔戒,的整體美術,動畫技術氛圍

Author: Xu Wei "Red Paco" created from the edge
       More than three years ago, I opened the idea of ​​the idea of ​​Red Paco, then the idea is made into Hollywood-style animation movies, half-way to change the idea, to the real version of the story written. I am a Star Wars fan is also a martial arts fans, write Red Paco enough to meet my imagination. There is the box office only film industry, Chinese film must be in line with Hollywood, and the world, to the world market as the goal. Now the audience to see the movie must be preferred Hollywood commercial blockbuster, and then come to Hollywood non-mainstream good film type. The mainland and the United States is the world's two largest film market, comedy, small fresh love film in the mainland have a certain market, from time to time to create more than 500 million yuan high box office, so that the mainland is now more and more vibrant film industry, Convergence, capital and technology in the future is not a problem, the US business more and more attention to the Chinese market. Hollywood players have the so-called commercial-grade brand series, frequently more than 2 billion cost shooting, the global package at the end of at least 10 billion more than a hundred percent, for example, modified gold, Harry Potter, passion and speed, Spider-Man, 007, star war Star Wars series, etc., each company to accompany their own hundred percent to make money Golden Jade mother brand, each set are sold. Every year, Hollywood is full of most of the loss of the film, but it can rely on 5% of the absolute money to make up for large losses to create high profits. Yes, the audience now likes to see Hollywood-like fun IMAX 3D business cooler, the idea I have thought three years ago, began to conceive Red Paco story. Red Paco Reidpa can be a complete story of the story, is a fusion of Western science fiction, Oriental martial arts, interstellar, Canova planet youth hero legend. The first series of five, I intend to like Star Wars as slowly as the story, the story can be extended, in fact, Nicholas Spark's father, that is, Red's grandfather, he and the darkness of the showdown, there is a Prequel the story. George Rukas is my childhood idol, and I also hope that the story of Red Paco Reidpa can be a classic story like Star Wars. Red Paco Reidapura's atmosphere, need to make such as Star Wars, Avatar, Exotic Doctor, Lord of the Rings, the overall art, animation technology, the Chinese have the ability to shoot Hollywood-class Star Wars science fiction film, this is a new challenge , The goal is the world's film market.

