MISS COCO 可可小姐 RPB 帕可兄弟少年團 Virtual Idol 虛擬偶像 KANOVA STUDIOS 徐瑋 kevin ping 原創 : 2018


(RED PACO BROS 帕可兄弟)新少男團體,MV 帶大家暢遊-台北捷運,淡海輕軌,高雄捷運站 徐瑋kevin ping作品


(RED PACO BROS 帕可兄弟)新少男團體,MV 帶大家暢遊-台北捷運,淡海輕軌,高雄捷運站

我和充滿正能量的外星少年(RED PACO BROS 帕可三兄弟) RED 阿瑞,JIMMY 阿米,JERRY 小傑,和大家一起開始倒數 !
(RED PACO BROS 帕可兄弟)新少男團體,元旦假期帶大家暢遊-台北捷運,淡海輕軌,高雄捷運站,MUSIC SOLO 徐瑋 KEVIN PING


I am a young boy with positive energy (RED PACO BROS) RED Ari, JIMMY Ami, JERRY Xiaojie, and everyone starts counting down!
I wish you all the best in the new year, and everything will be successful.

(RED PACO BROS) New and young men's group, New Year's Day holiday with everyone - Taipei MRT, Danhai Light Rail, Kaohsiung MRT Station, MUSIC SOLO Xu Wei KEVIN PING



「徐瑋-看板人物」出任務,今天來到專門收藏黑膠唱片、卡帶的「元氣唱片行」,老版拿出許多徐瑋復刻版的CD專輯請阿瑋簽名 ! 
更多精彩內容記得收看TVBS 56頻道-8月5日的看板人物


「看板人物-徐瑋」深度報導,徐瑋的時尚收藏 - 眼鏡、帽子。

現場直撃TVBS美女主播方念華主持的 「看板人物-徐瑋」外景深度報導,搶先分享部分精彩內容。
徐瑋今天特別分享最愛的收藏,哇!是眼鏡、帽子,桌面上有各式各樣時尚的眼鏡,各種不同顏色,不同款式,令人大開眼界!據說這還只是一小部份喔 ! 
On-site direct singer beauty anchor Fang Nianhua presided over the "kanban character - Xu Wei" location depth report, pre-emptive sharing of some exciting content.
Today, it’s easy to relax. In addition to creating and singing, Xu Wei also has a collection of fashionable gadgets.
Xu Wei especially shared his favorite collection today, wow! It is glasses and hats. There are all kinds of fashionable glasses on the table. Various colors and styles are eye-opening! It is said that this is only a small part!
Sneakers, hats and glasses have always been Xu's favorite, starting from many years ago! Xu Wei will reveal why he likes collecting, hats and glasses on the show.
The program is scheduled to air on August 5th. Please pay close attention to the behind-the-scenes production of the fan page!


徐瑋 :「好電影的關鍵是故事」期待爽片重新回歸故事精彩度的本質

期待爽片重新回歸故事精彩度的本質「好電影的關鍵是故事」- 徐瑋kevin ping
近年,漫威工作室Marvel Studio幾乎包辦一半好萊塢商業大片票房,許多獨立製片公司被打的喘不過氣來,拍什麼賠什麼,反觀漫威是拍什麼賺什麼,平均一年推出六部漫威電影,拍攝成本1.7億美金起跳 ! 漫威最近發佈將要打造陸版超級英雄!搶食全球第一大電影市場,但是玩過頭的結果可能適得其反,東西方文化大不同,大陸民眾不見得買單陸版超級英雄。

現在能對抗漫威的電影人必須有相當的實力,例如喬治魯卡斯的「star war星戰系列」史帝芬史匹伯-例如「一級玩家」「朱羅紀世界」,長命IP「玩命關頭系列」馬修范恩的「kings man金牌特務」尙可以分得一片天,傳統劇情片幾乎全軍覆沒。科幻票房教父詹姆斯卡麥隆「阿凡達2 3 4」明年即將陸續出手,頗有撥亂反正的味道。商業爽片大戰方興未艾,各路梟雄各據山頭準備大幹一場 !

很多人進戲院看首輪一定以大格局爽片為主,其次才是一般所謂「劇情片」,也有觀眾認為劇情看看電影頻道就可以,非一定要花錢進戲院不可,以至於每個月一大堆劇情片成為炮灰 ! 大導演也無可幸免-例如史蒂芬·史匹柏執導的「諜報密戰」奧斯卡得獎片「水底情深」等等,票房慘不忍睹 !

爽片最大的瓶頸是故事力不強,從頭打到尾,賣弄聲光特效,劇情弱的可以。「死侍」男主角拍完「死侍2」後宣佈不再接拍續集。「死侍2」劇情荒誕不經,口碑票房雙雙下滑,「復聯3」評價兩極,處於危險邊緣 ! 詹姆斯卡麥隆甚至公開吐槽漫威超級英雄電影過於公式化的劇情。

「Star War 最後的絕地武士」被不少人評為最難看的星戰電影,好萊塢爽片特效不斷突破越來越好看,可惜劇本精彩度並沒有跟著提升,讓我想起好萊塢廣泛名言「好電影的關鍵是劇本」,商業爽片一樣可以得到奧斯卡的青睞,2009年「阿凡達」票房橫掃全球,於第82屆奧斯卡拿下9座大獎。商業和創意取得平衡。導演編劇於一身的詹姆斯卡麥隆奠定了教父級的崇高地位。至於票房長勝軍漫威電影則和奧斯卡完全絶緣。
要平反科幻爽片的價值非卡麥隆出手不可,「阿凡達2 3 4」正如火如荼拍攝中,期待爽片重新回歸故事精彩度的本質。
詹姆斯卡麥隆嗆漫威名言:「我希望大家可以快點厭倦《復仇者聯盟》(I’m hoping we’re going to start getting Avenger fatigue.)並不是說我不喜歡這種電影,只是...Come on, guys!明明我們就還有更多的故事可以說,只有雄性激素過高、沒有家庭的男人,才會在外面拚死拚活地冒險,順便摧毀城市。」詹姆斯卡麥隆吐槽了超級英雄電影過於公式化的劇情。

by-徐瑋kevin ping

Looking forward to cool film returning to the essence of the story's splendor: "The key to a good movie is a story." - 徐玮kevin ping

In recent years, the Marvel Studio has almost half of the Hollywood commercial blockbusters. Many independent studios have been overwhelmed, what to shoot, what to pay, what on the other hand, Marvel is what to shoot, with an average of six Marvel launches in a year. Film, shooting costs 170 million US dollars jump! Marvel recently released will create a land version of super hero! Grabbing the world's largest movie market, but the results of overplaying may be counterproductive. There is a big difference between Eastern and Western cultures, and the mainland people are not necessarily paying for the land super hero.

Filmmakers who can now fight Marvel must have considerable strength, such as George Lucas' "star war Star Wars Series" Steven Spielberg - "First-Class Players", "Juluji Park", and Longevity IP "Keeping the Dead" Matthew Fann's "kings man gold agent" can be divided into one day and the traditional drama is almost completely destroyed. The sci-fi box-office godfather James Cameron, Avatar 343, is about to release his shots next year. Business Rivalry War is just in the ascendant, all the way to each other according to the hills to prepare for a big!

Many people enter the theater to watch the first round with a large format of cool film, followed by the so-called "drama film." Some viewers think that it is OK to watch the movie channel, but it is not necessary to spend money to enter the theater, so that each month A lot of feature films became cannon fodder! The big directors were not spared - for example, "Spirited Secrets" directed by Stephen Spielberg, "Oscar Deep Feelings" and so on. The box office was terrible!

The highlights of this summer's summer show are the "Jurassic Park," "The Ant and The Hornets," and the "Impossible Mission 3," which are currently being released. Other films will be supporting roles.
The movie theater is now completely occupied by "cool film." The discussion of the whiteflies is - the Avengers, the Panthers, the superwoman of supernatural powers. These cool films provide a lot of acousto-optic effects, computer special effects, can give viewers a strong stimulus, but also attracted the largest number of viewers into the theater.
The biggest bottleneck of the film is the story is not strong, from scratch to the end, show off sound and light effects, the story can be weak. After the movie "The Deathly Attendant" was completed, the actor's hero announced that he would no longer take the sequel. The story of "Deadman 2" is absurd, the word-of-mouth at the box office falls, and the "Multiplex 3" evaluates the poles and is on the verge of danger! James Cameron has even openly expressed his plot of super-hero movies.

The "Star War's Last Jedi Knight" was rated by many as the most ugly Star Wars movies. Hollywood cool film effects continued to break through more and more beautiful. Unfortunately, the script's highlights did not follow up. It reminded me of Hollywood's extensive famous saying "Good movie. "The key is the script." Business films can be likened to Oscar. In 2009, "Avatar" swept the world at the box office and won 9 awards at the 82nd Oscar. Business and creativity are balanced. James Cameron, the director of the screenwriter, laid the lofty status of the godfather class. As for the box office, the long-sold Martial Arts movie is completely insulated from the Oscars.
To rehabilitate the value of science fiction film is not Cameron can not be shot, "Avatar 2 3 4" is in full swing shooting, looking forward to cool film to return to the essence of the story.
James Cameron made his mark: "I hope everyone can get tired of I'm hoping we're going to start getting Avenger fatigue." It's not that I don't like this kind of movie, just. ..Come on, guys! Obviously we have more stories to tell. Only men with high male hormones and no family will take risks outside and destroy the city by accident." James Cameron Tucao The super hero movie is too formulated.

By-徐玮kevin ping


徐瑋 + Red Paco Brother's 帕可兄弟-卡諾瓦星球

徐瑋 + Red Paco Brother's 帕可兄弟

【Red Paco 瑞德帕可-卡諾瓦星球】邁向國際化的第一步,創作才子徐瑋蘊釀五年耗時三年完成的作品,集合星際科幻、魔法、冒險、愛情、親情的超時空科幻故事。故事的主角Red Paco瑞德帕可是一個來自外星的十七歲少年, 父親 是Q銀河系卡諾瓦星球Kanova的首席大臣尼古拉斯 帕可Nicolas Paco。
【Red Paco 瑞德帕可卡諾瓦星球】場景遍佈地球各地,及Q銀河系的卡諾瓦星球及卡森星球,最後戰局還牽連至K銀河系的奇異星球。卡諾瓦星球人均具有特殊的異能力,可以穿越時空上天下地,每個人都有自己的拿手本領,劇力萬鈞,扣人心弦。
【Red Paco 瑞德帕可卡諾瓦星球】此部作品堪稱「華人界科幻冒險故事新經典」。我們不劇透內容,只能發佈一部份小說內容,是否要先行出版或是跟電影同步發行還在評估中,故事已經改編成140分鐘左右電影劇本,目標是好萊塢大型主流電影公司。
想當然"Red Paco Brother"s 帕可三兄弟"是劇中的靈魂人物,此部作品第一階段有三部曲,Kevin只要有空會繼續寫下去,未來還可無限延伸。

Xu Wei + Red Paco Brother's Brothers

[Red Paco] The first step toward internationalization, creative talent Xu Weiyun brewed five years of work that took three years to complete. It is a collection of interstellar sci-fi, magic, adventure, love, and affection. Science fiction story. The protagonist of the story, Red Paco, is a 17-year-old from an alien whose father is Nicolas Paco, the chief minister of Kanova, the Q-Galaxy.
In 1813, about one hundred days before the end of the nineteenth century about 200 years ago, Nicholas Paco and his cousin Stan and his wife came to the Earth from the distant Canova planet, and did not expect a coup in his hometown during this period. The ruler Yu Ke Wang was attacked by the strong army of his cousin Carson. Carson was his own king. He was known as the King of Dark Carson. King Carson sent out his militant master to the earth to chase the Nile in order to wipe out the forces of the king. Spaco was a pedestrian, and this involved a huge conspiracy, so a bloody fight began.
[Red Paco] The scenes of Red Paco's planets are all over the globe, and the Canova planet and Carson planet of the Q-Galaxy, and finally the war situation is also implicated in the exotic planet of the K Milky Way. The planet Canova has a unique ability to reach people across the world. Everyone has their own skills, and they are tempting and exciting.
【Red Paco Ryder Paco Canova Planet】 This work is called the "Chinese classic new fantasy of science fiction adventure." We don't spoil content, we can only publish some of the novel content. Whether we want to publish or synchronize with the movie is still under evaluation. The story has been adapted into a 140-minute movie script. The target is a major Hollywood mainstream movie company.
Assuming that "Red Paco Brothers" is the soul of the three characters in the play, this work has a trilogy in the first stage. Kevin will continue to write down whenever he is free, and the future can also be extended indefinitely.


徐瑋 : 新加坡道地美食平價,四大熟食中心 Gardens by the bay濱海灣花園介紹

新加坡 4 大熟食中心






今天跟大家介紹新加坡必遊景點Gardens by the bay濱海灣花園,曾有好萊塢電影"殺手-代號47"特別到濱海灣花園取景。
您曾遊覽過花園,但您可曾見過造價 10 億元的花園,新加坡令人驚嘆的綠色新天地——濱海灣花園。
「 濱海灣花園丨新加坡·城市花園新地標 」
這座屢獲殊榮的園林景點佔地面積達 101 公頃,擁有超過五十萬棵、超過二千二百種類的植物,由市區約步行五分鐘即可抵達。公園由三個園區組成,即濱海南花園 (Bay South)、濱海東花園 (Bay East) 和濱海中心花園 (Bay Central),室外園區是免費開放的。沿著海濱步道,濱海灣金融區空中輪廓線的迷人壯觀景色盡入眼簾。其中最大的濱海花園屬濱海南花園,園中建有多棵巨大的超級樹,十分引人注目。
「 濱海灣南花園丨兩大著名的玻璃生態區 」
▶ 花穹(Flower Dome):花仙子的夢幻童話世界
▶ 雲霧林(Cloud Forest):真實版的阿凡達祕境



RED PACO 瑞德帕可-卡諾瓦星球 未來新宇宙 練功動態圖 徐瑋 Kevin Ping IP原創 2018

RED PACO 瑞德帕可-卡諾瓦星球 未來新宇宙 
練功動態圖 徐瑋 Kevin Ping IP

小編:今天介紹徐瑋創意滿分的RED PACO瑞德怕可精彩影片,徐瑋從小最愛科幻電影小說,他的宇宙充滿外星人及超級英雄的元素,「一群來自Q銀河系的高手即將在地球 展開大決戰」! 光用想像的就已經爽到無極限! 真期待趕緊看到真正的電影推上大銀幕!

Red Paco 卡諾瓦星球 1
未來新宇宙 2
未來新宇宙 3

未來新宇宙 4

【Red Paco瑞德帕可】三兄弟的身世之謎…。

英國愛丁堡老城的軸心街道是皇家哩大道Royal Mile,十九世紀時曾發生一場大瘟疫,許多染病的貧民百姓因此被關在這底下神秘的地窖裡冤死。據說,地窖裡所產生的冤魂,於午夜時會開始做怪哀嚎,發出悽厲的哭聲,笑聲,歌聲,恐怖的傳言令人毛骨悚然。
冤魂之說言之鑿鑿,令當時的人民感到害怕及恐懼,只要一到夜晚,街道上幾乎不見任何人影,後來皇室為了安定人心,命令有名的大法師奧斯丁Austin秘密成立皇家抓鬼學院The Royal College of Ghost busting鎮壓三空間的冤魂。

約200年前十九世紀末的某一天夏夜,距離地球約十萬光年遙遠而古老的卡諾瓦星球Kanova派了一批訪客到地球,卡諾瓦星球Kanova的首席總理大臣「尼古拉斯 帕可」Nicholas Paco與其家族。
Q銀河系有一個三億年生命的卡諾瓦星球Kanova,該星系的太陽運行了數十億年後逐漸老化,使得卡諾瓦星球的氣候産生巨大的變化,變得異常寒冷,卡諾瓦人賴以維生的光源大不如前,天氣改變帶給人民許多驚慌,因而民怨四起,距今200多年前,卡諾瓦星球總理大臣「尼古拉斯 帕可」帶著兩個家庭,駕駛著先進的「天行者一號」飛行船來到地球。
這一天,愛丁堡近郊的麥田裡突然傳來「轟」一聲巨響,引起了附近居民注意,說也奇怪,第二天鄰近的農民去查看麥田時,發現一個巨大圓形的印及數十個小圓印,除此之外什麼都沒有,農民議論紛紛也弄不清楚到底發生了什麼事…  。
其實這是外星人的傑作,隱藏在我們週遭的外星人,早已融入地球的生活,唯一不同的是他們比地球人更進化, 智慧更高,且擁有特異功能,我們稱之為魔法。這種特異功能對「卡諾瓦人」來說是再自然不過的事,依造不同的DNA,每個人都有不同的異能力,卡諾瓦人在古代被大眾稱之為「神」,故事就從卡諾瓦星球開始說起。

第一集 -卡諾瓦星球
第二集 - 銀河之星
第三集 - 夜魔神
前言 【Red Paco瑞德帕可】三兄弟的身世之謎…
第四章◆尼古拉斯 帕可的「異能力」開發通知令
第五章◆第七街藝品店Kanova Store三兄弟團圓
第二十四章◆卡諾瓦救世主Red Paco


RED PACO 瑞德帕可-卡諾瓦星球 未來新宇宙 徐瑋 Kevin Ping IP原創 2018 2018 RED PACO - Kanova planet future new universe Kevin Ping IP original 2018

RED PACO 瑞德帕可-卡諾瓦星球 未來新宇宙  徐瑋 Kevin Ping IP原創 2018  
RED PACO - Kanova planet future new universe
Kevin Ping IP original 2018

《Red Paco 瑞德帕可》是描述Q銀河系兩個星球之間的爭霸戰,「卡諾瓦星球」及「暗黑星球」是故事的軸心。 一群來自外星的訪客,以地球為基地,少年英雄光復家鄉「卡諾瓦星球」的星際傳奇故事…。
西元1813年,距今約200多年前十九世紀末的某一天夏夜,距離地球約十萬光年遙遠而古老的卡諾瓦星球Kanova派了一批訪客到地球,他們是卡諾瓦星球Kanova的首席總理大臣「尼古拉斯帕可」Nicholas Paco夫婦,及親表弟卡諾瓦星球赫赫有名的大將軍史丹長老夫婦。 尼古拉斯 帕可及史丹 帕可來到地球的時間是西元1813年,首站造訪的地方是中國的北京,當時是清朝的嘉慶十八年。
「尼古拉斯帕可」Nicholas Paco和老婆麗雅在地球陸續生了三兄弟,帕可三兄弟承襲了卡諾瓦人的異能力,均身懷絕技,老大Red Paco瑞德帕可是一位17歲華裔俊美少年,天賦異稟具有高超的異能力,得知自己是被「銀河之星」選中的救世主後,帶領人民光復家鄉「卡諾瓦星球」。

"Red Paco" is a description of the battle between the two galaxies of the Q Galaxy, "Kanova planet" and "Dark Planet" is the axis of the story. A group of visitors from extraterrestrials, the Earth-based, young hero of the "Canova planet" light star legend ... ....

In 1813, about 200 years ago, some 20000 years ago, on the summer night of the late nineteenth century, about 100,000 light-years distant from Earth, Kanova, the ancient Canova planet, sent a group of visitors to the planet Kanova Prime Minister Nikolai Paco of Nicholas Paco, elders and elders of Stan Ian, the cousin Canova's illustrious planet. Nicolas Paco and Stanganpa can come to earth in 1813, the first stop to visit Beijing, China, which was the 18th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty.

"Nicholas Paco" Nicholas Paco and his wife Liya have three brothers in succession on Earth, Parco three brothers inherited the Canova's abilities, are superb skills, boss Red Paco Ruipupa a 17-year-old Chinese Handsome young, gifted talent with superb alien ability, that he was the "Star of Galaxy" selected by the savior, led the people to recover the hometown of "Canova planet."
 Originally calm Q galaxy because of the power of rulers desire becomes windbreaking, interstellar hegemony began, the beautiful Canova planet is no longer calm, we are involved in this power and light battle of the storm Among them.


RED PACO點將錄~Jerry Paco帕可三兄弟老三,今年只有15 歳,是紅遍全球的流行音樂歌手!徐瑋Kevin Ping原創

帕可三兄弟老三 Jrrry Paco是今天的主角!
今年只有15 歳,是紅遍全球的流行音樂歌手!住在洛杉磯,去年才剛剛拿到葛萊美最佳流行歌手奬。
擁有一大票粉絲,至今沒有人知道其實Jerry 是外星人!
Knova planet master on the clouds!

Parr three brothers third Jrrry Paco is the protagonist of today! He is only 15 years old this year, is popular in the world pop singer! Live in Los Angeles last year just got the Best Pop Artist Awards.
Has a big ticket fans, so far no one knows in fact Jerry is an alien!
Must kill stick: Thunder and lightning sword
Light property: blue


RED PACO 瑞德帕可 - 卡諾瓦星球 (奇異星球-八大長老試煉篇) 徐瑋KEVIN PING IP原創

RED PACO 瑞德帕可 - 卡諾瓦星球 (奇異星球-八大長老試煉篇) 徐瑋KEVIN PING IP原創

RED PACO 的異能力不斷的在精進當中 !
        RED PACO被召換到K銀河系的奇異星球,接受八大長老最嚴格的試煉,通過每個長老的考驗才能成為銀河之星的新主人 ! 負起解救救卡諾瓦同胞奪回政權的責任。
        RED得知是卡諾瓦首席總理大臣尼古拉斯之子,加上母親被卡森王擄走,悲恨交加,決定接受最嚴厲的測試 !
        銀河之星顯現文字:「我將要開一道門,你帶著我走進去。」銀河之星浮現出小字。 Red將銀河之星握在手中,權杖頂端的寶石發出籃色的光芒,瞬間在牆上開出一道時空之門。
       飛雲長老:「孩子,歡迎你來到奇異星球。 」八大長老之首飛雲氣聲如洪鐘。
        凱莎長老:「孩子,你知道我是誰嗎 ?」
        藍精靈:「恭喜你們組孫團體,孩子還不快叫祖母,凱莎長老是你爸爸尼古拉失斯的的母親啊 ! 」藍精靈一派天真無邪的拉拉RED的衣角。
        RED :「祖母 ?」RED只感覺眼前這個氣質高雅的女人有一種說不出的溫暖氣場。
RED PACO Ruidepakai - Canova planet (strange planet - eight elders Trial) Xu Wei KEVIN PING IP original

RED PACO's ability to constantly among the best!
(Strange planet - eight elders Trial)
        RED PACO was called to the strange galactic Galaxy K, accept the eight elders the most rigorous trial, through the test of each elder to become the new star of the Milky Way, take the liberation of compatriots Cannavas take the responsibility to regain power.
        RED learned that it was the son of Nicolaus, Canova's prime minister, and his mother was kidnapped by King Carson and resentfully opposed to the harshest tests.
        The Star of the Galaxy shows the words: "I'm going to open a door and you come with me." Star of the Milky Way stars in small print. Red holds the Milky Way in his hand, and the gems on the top of the scepter give off a basket of light, instantly opening a door of time and space to the wall.
Red walked curiously toward the door ... and then plunged into a space-time corridor where Red was held by a huge force of gravity and kept spinning in the corridors of space and time. On the soft grass, because he had rotated too long, he had fainted at this moment ....

       Red finally sees a little girl who can talk. The little girl smiles and looks pretty good.
       The little girl, in fact, is an Elvish elder. With her unique abilities, her appearance is getting younger and younger with different abilities. She now looks like a cute little girl about ten years old. Her actual age is already over 600 years old.
      In the hands of the little girl, eight more knives were launched, launching another wave of attacks. This "wizard knife" speed as fast as bullets, Red dodge less, arms and thighs were scratched.
Red: "Damn, you're hot with me, I will not treat you as a little girl anymore, your appearance is just a disguise, and you're Karson sent to kill me." Red Four Flying Light Sabers From all directions to attack the little girl, the speed of lightsaber extremely fast, the little girl left flash right to hide, simply not parry, the body was scratched multiple.
       Smurfs: "Count you fantastic, cross the border." As the little girl turned into the grass, Tudun fled.

       The luxurious hall, the eldest generation of Canova planet top eight elders, white eyebrow, Smurfs, Hawks, Golden Village, Dragon, Keisha, Yamato, Feiyun, the elders finally show up.
       Feiyun elders: "Children, welcome you to the strange planet." The eldest of the first eight elders fly like a bell.
       In the hall, Elder Keisha, one of the eight elders, came suddenly to the side of RED, showing a sense of pity.
       Keisha Elder: "Children, so long, so I take a good look at you." Keisha nonsense stroking RED's face, look of mercy, the eyes unpredictable slip of a bucket of big tears, RED feel Kay As the family generally take care of her heart relieved.
        Elder Keisha: "Child, do you know who I am?"
        RED face confused could not help but shook his head.
        Smurfs: "Congratulations on your group Sun group, the child is not quick to call grandmother, Elder Keisha is the father of your father Nicholas ah!" Smurfs sent innocent Lala RED clothing.
        RED: "Grandmother?" RED only feels like this temperament elegant woman has an unspeakable warm aura.