近年,漫威工作室Marvel Studio幾乎包辦一半好萊塢商業大片票房,許多獨立製片公司被打的喘不過氣來,拍什麼賠什麼,反觀漫威是拍什麼賺什麼,平均一年推出六部漫威電影,拍攝成本1.7億美金起跳 ! 漫威最近發佈將要打造陸版超級英雄!搶食全球第一大電影市場,但是玩過頭的結果可能適得其反,東西方文化大不同,大陸民眾不見得買單陸版超級英雄。
現在能對抗漫威的電影人必須有相當的實力,例如喬治魯卡斯的「star war星戰系列」史帝芬史匹伯-例如「一級玩家」「朱羅紀世界」,長命IP「玩命關頭系列」馬修范恩的「kings man金牌特務」尙可以分得一片天,傳統劇情片幾乎全軍覆沒。科幻票房教父詹姆斯卡麥隆「阿凡達2 3 4」明年即將陸續出手,頗有撥亂反正的味道。商業爽片大戰方興未艾,各路梟雄各據山頭準備大幹一場 !
很多人進戲院看首輪一定以大格局爽片為主,其次才是一般所謂「劇情片」,也有觀眾認為劇情看看電影頻道就可以,非一定要花錢進戲院不可,以至於每個月一大堆劇情片成為炮灰 ! 大導演也無可幸免-例如史蒂芬·史匹柏執導的「諜報密戰」奧斯卡得獎片「水底情深」等等,票房慘不忍睹 !
爽片最大的瓶頸是故事力不強,從頭打到尾,賣弄聲光特效,劇情弱的可以。「死侍」男主角拍完「死侍2」後宣佈不再接拍續集。「死侍2」劇情荒誕不經,口碑票房雙雙下滑,「復聯3」評價兩極,處於危險邊緣 ! 詹姆斯卡麥隆甚至公開吐槽漫威超級英雄電影過於公式化的劇情。
「Star War 最後的絕地武士」被不少人評為最難看的星戰電影,好萊塢爽片特效不斷突破越來越好看,可惜劇本精彩度並沒有跟著提升,讓我想起好萊塢廣泛名言「好電影的關鍵是劇本」,商業爽片一樣可以得到奧斯卡的青睞,2009年「阿凡達」票房橫掃全球,於第82屆奧斯卡拿下9座大獎。商業和創意取得平衡。導演編劇於一身的詹姆斯卡麥隆奠定了教父級的崇高地位。至於票房長勝軍漫威電影則和奧斯卡完全絶緣。
要平反科幻爽片的價值非卡麥隆出手不可,「阿凡達2 3 4」正如火如荼拍攝中,期待爽片重新回歸故事精彩度的本質。
詹姆斯卡麥隆嗆漫威名言:「我希望大家可以快點厭倦《復仇者聯盟》(I’m hoping we’re going to start getting Avenger fatigue.)並不是說我不喜歡這種電影,只是...Come on, guys!明明我們就還有更多的故事可以說,只有雄性激素過高、沒有家庭的男人,才會在外面拚死拚活地冒險,順便摧毀城市。」詹姆斯卡麥隆吐槽了超級英雄電影過於公式化的劇情。
by-徐瑋kevin ping
Looking forward to cool film returning to the essence of the story's splendor: "The key to a good movie is a story." - 徐玮kevin ping
In recent years, the Marvel Studio has almost half of the Hollywood commercial blockbusters. Many independent studios have been overwhelmed, what to shoot, what to pay, what on the other hand, Marvel is what to shoot, with an average of six Marvel launches in a year. Film, shooting costs 170 million US dollars jump! Marvel recently released will create a land version of super hero! Grabbing the world's largest movie market, but the results of overplaying may be counterproductive. There is a big difference between Eastern and Western cultures, and the mainland people are not necessarily paying for the land super hero.
Filmmakers who can now fight Marvel must have considerable strength, such as George Lucas' "star war Star Wars Series" Steven Spielberg - "First-Class Players", "Juluji Park", and Longevity IP "Keeping the Dead" Matthew Fann's "kings man gold agent" can be divided into one day and the traditional drama is almost completely destroyed. The sci-fi box-office godfather James Cameron, Avatar 343, is about to release his shots next year. Business Rivalry War is just in the ascendant, all the way to each other according to the hills to prepare for a big!
Many people enter the theater to watch the first round with a large format of cool film, followed by the so-called "drama film." Some viewers think that it is OK to watch the movie channel, but it is not necessary to spend money to enter the theater, so that each month A lot of feature films became cannon fodder! The big directors were not spared - for example, "Spirited Secrets" directed by Stephen Spielberg, "Oscar Deep Feelings" and so on. The box office was terrible!
The highlights of this summer's summer show are the "Jurassic Park," "The Ant and The Hornets," and the "Impossible Mission 3," which are currently being released. Other films will be supporting roles.
The movie theater is now completely occupied by "cool film." The discussion of the whiteflies is - the Avengers, the Panthers, the superwoman of supernatural powers. These cool films provide a lot of acousto-optic effects, computer special effects, can give viewers a strong stimulus, but also attracted the largest number of viewers into the theater.
The biggest bottleneck of the film is the story is not strong, from scratch to the end, show off sound and light effects, the story can be weak. After the movie "The Deathly Attendant" was completed, the actor's hero announced that he would no longer take the sequel. The story of "Deadman 2" is absurd, the word-of-mouth at the box office falls, and the "Multiplex 3" evaluates the poles and is on the verge of danger! James Cameron has even openly expressed his plot of super-hero movies.
The "Star War's Last Jedi Knight" was rated by many as the most ugly Star Wars movies. Hollywood cool film effects continued to break through more and more beautiful. Unfortunately, the script's highlights did not follow up. It reminded me of Hollywood's extensive famous saying "Good movie. "The key is the script." Business films can be likened to Oscar. In 2009, "Avatar" swept the world at the box office and won 9 awards at the 82nd Oscar. Business and creativity are balanced. James Cameron, the director of the screenwriter, laid the lofty status of the godfather class. As for the box office, the long-sold Martial Arts movie is completely insulated from the Oscars.
To rehabilitate the value of science fiction film is not Cameron can not be shot, "Avatar 2 3 4" is in full swing shooting, looking forward to cool film to return to the essence of the story.
James Cameron made his mark: "I hope everyone can get tired of I'm hoping we're going to start getting Avenger fatigue." It's not that I don't like this kind of movie, just. ..Come on, guys! Obviously we have more stories to tell. Only men with high male hormones and no family will take risks outside and destroy the city by accident." James Cameron Tucao The super hero movie is too formulated.
By-徐玮kevin ping